
Dating Someone With A Kid In Your 20s Site:amp.reddit.com

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Dating Someone With A Kid In Your 20s Site:amp.reddit.com

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Dating Someone With A Kid In Your 20s Site:amp.reddit.com Pictures

  1. 'Would you rather be dating a man old enough to be your father who constantly picks apart your appearance, or a woman old enough to be your mother who constantly picks apart your sexual performance?' 'Would you rather be a teen boy in love with his mother, or a 60 year old man who is still in love with his sister?'
  2. The apple/pear one was deeply amusing. See, Westerners do this all the time, when they say, 'I support states' rights,' to mean 'I detest the rights of black and gay people' but say: You start out in 1954 by saying, 'Nigger, nigger, nigger.' By 1968, you can't say 'nigger' — that hurts you.
  3. Now people wait until they're in their 30's to get married so they can buy the house the want, get retirement in order, starting saving up for a kid's education before even having the kid. Almost everyone needs four years of college to secure a decent lifestyle, 2-8 more if you want to do well.

There's a running joke here on LA about tree law being far more serious business than you'd expect- and it's true- trees can be valued incredibly high by the courts and they're not something you want to fuck around with- some trees can go for 5 figures in price, depending on the age, and size of the tree. In some states, like Oregon, and as a general concept in tort law, there is something called 'treble damages' where you pay as much as three times the value of something, in this case, a tree- and three times the value of a tree can get incredibly expensive when, once again, trees can be tens of thousands of dollars.

To answer your questions:

KidWithDating someone with a kid in your 20s site:amp.reddit.com one
  1. If you're looking for damages or money, you sold yourself short by verbally agreeing to pay nothing, and for him [the person who caused you damages, possibly to your property value] to clean the cut down trees + plant new trees.

  2. You're owed the value of the trees.

  3. There are lawyers who literally specialize in 'tree law'- no joke.

  4. Consult a lawyer before you allow these people to get away with the damages they've done to you.

Dating Someone With A Kid In Your 20s Site:amp.reddit.com Video

This is something out of the scope of simple advice for the subreddit- you want a real lawyer + arborist for this- an arborist to determine the value of the trees cut down, and a lawyer [tree law lawyer!] to go after these people for your damages.