
Hookup Site With Seat Belt

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I've noticted that some electronics set off the seat belt sensor too. I'd bet that it wouldn't set it off if the phone were off. If I hook up a cable the the aux stereo input and loop the cord in the passenger seat, the sensor goes off. As soon as I unplug it but leave it looped, I get nothing.

  • The handy back D-ring allows a simple leash hookup for casual walks. Quick-release snap buckles mean the harness can be put on and taken off without a hassle. The 3in1 Harness can improve your dog’s vehicle safety in two different ways: buckle vehicle seat belts directly through the nylon seat belt handle for a snug fit, or use the included.
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Everyday each and every one of us gets into a car either as a driver or a passenger. The majority don’t realize each time we get into a car, we are placing ourselves in a lethal weapon-that could potentially kill us or others. Most auto fatalities stem from not wearing a seatbelt, and too often are college students.

A routine is described as a detailed course of action to be followed regularly, or a standard procedure. Everyone has his or her own morning routine, and not every University of Northern Colorado student makes putting a seat belt on part of this routine.

Most college students shower, eat, grab their belongings for the day and quickly head out the door. We get in the car, shut the door, start the engine and decide what it is that we will be listening to on our way to school or work. We do all of this automatically, and without heavy thinking. Unfortunately, some of us do not include buckling up in our routines and greatly increase our chance of serious or fatal injuries if we are involved in a car wreck.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Web site, seat belts are the most effective way to prevent serious or fatal injuries in a car wreck. It is estimated that seatbelts save 9,500 lives each year. If everyone used seat belts properly, 9,000 fatal injuries and 160,000 non-fatal injuries could be prevented across the nation. On average, 60 percent of those killed in Colorado who weren’t wearing seat belts are college-aged students.

When a car is involved in a wreck the passengers are still traveling at the vehicle’s original speed at the moment of impact; even when the body comes to a stop, the organs inside are still traveling and can be injured if they slam into other organs or bones in the body. Seat belts are designed to absorb the forces of a crash through the strongest areas of the body: the hips, shoulders and chest. A seat belt slows the body and the organs inside, to prevent the passengers from hitting the dashboard, steering wheel or even from being ejected.

The Colorado Department of Transportation Web site says in Colorado in 2005 there were 460 car wreck fatalities and of these, 258 were unbuckled. It is the law in Colorado to wear a seat belt.

In a non-scientific survey of 30 people conducted on the UNC campus, 93 percent of females said they wore their seatbelt at all times, while only 67 percent of males said the same. Those who said they didn’t always wear a seat belt said that they feel like they are safe drivers or their friends are.

“Sometimes I feel like if I am going to drive somewhere right down the street, I don’t really need it. I know I probably should wear it no matter what, but I just feel like if it’s close I’ll be fine,” said Kyle Robinson, a junior meteorology major.

Others are conscious about being safe in a vehicle. Jessica Maynard, a senior communications major, credits her upbringing for her good habits of buckling up.

“My parents used to tell me if I didn’t wear my seatbelt I would fly out the windshield, so I guess that has kind of always stuck with me,” Maynard said.

Hookup site with seat belt clips

She said her uncle was critically injured in a car wreck when she was young and her parents always use that as an example.

“My uncle was hurt pretty bad. He had to go through several surgeries to re-set the bones in his jaw and face. I don’t want to ever go through what my uncle did, and putting on a seat belt only takes five seconds,” Maynard said.

Omar Cooper, a senior business finance major, was involved in a wreck over the summer and now always wears his seat belt.

“I was in a really bad wreck last summer in Fort Collins and I ended up totaling my car. I know that if I hadn’t been wearing my seatbelt, I would have been very seriously injured. There were a few other cars involved and the people in those cars who weren’t wearing a seat belt ended up in the hospital for a while. Now that is the first thing I think about when I get in my car, or any car,” Cooper said.

There are different reasons why people choose to buckle up, but the sight of a wreck involving fatalities is likely to serve as an eye opening experience for anyone.

Devin Mellars, a firefighter for the LaSalle Fire Department, says he wishes everyone could see a fatal car wreck in which passengers weren’t wearing seatbelts.

“If everyone could see what I see on a day-to-day basis, they would never go without a seatbelt. Seatbelts save lives, period. There are people that say they are just going a few blocks, or they are a good driver. None of that matters. The people that I have to see that end up in body bags on the side of the road were only going a few blocks too, but not wearing a seatbelt cost them their life.” Mellars said.

Hookup Site With Seat Belt Holder

Mellars said that roughly 80 percent of the fatal car wrecks that he shows up to while on duty involve passengers who were not wearing a seatbelt.

“It’s really hard to see. A life can be taken away in an instant because someone neglected to take the time to buck up. It is also kind of selfish to chose to not put on a seat belt and possibly cause your family and friends so much turmoil. It makes me sick,” Mellars said.

Hookup Site With Seat Belt Clip

  • It’s a hardware device that lets you find your rider easier, through satellite and sensor technologies, and also through colors that sync with the rider’s app. In addition, beacon features a screen that communicates with your rider and reminds them to wear their seat belt and exit curbside. The device pairs with your phone through Bluetooth and is designed to be installed on your car dashboard.

  • The device is given to select Uber drivers in these cities: Atlanta, Baltimore-Maryland, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Las Vegas, Miami, Nashville, Orlando, Phoenix, Tampa Bay, and Washington, DC. Our plan is to make beacon available to more cities. Stay tuned for updates.

    1. Connect your beacon to its base.

    2. Center it on your dashboard with the logo facing out, so the screen is visible to riders when they’re inside your car.

    3. Peel the sticker off the bottom of the beacon, and press firmly to the dashboard. For best results, the dashboard should be clean and dry.

    4. Plug in your beacon to your car’s power source with the cable provided.

  • How do I pair beacon with my app?
    1. Download the most recent version of the Driver app.
    2. Turn on your phone’s Bluetooth.
    3. Make sure your beacon is connected to power. Use the cable that’s included with the device.
    4. Go to Account > Beacon in the app to pair.
  • Beacon collects GNSS, IMU, and barometer data to improve driver and rider experiences, especially for better accuracy of pickup and dropoff locations.